Havas Sovereign Technologies
4 min readFeb 28, 2019


They are our clients, our friends, good contacts or just people we met in the crypto-community. They have new vision, they are running great projects, they are developing new services or they just want to share their story. Havas Blockchain is interviewing key people of the blockchain ecosystem.

We are today with Baruck Desaint and Jérémie Chaine, co-founder of Pollers :

First of all can you present Pollers ?

Pollers is a decentralised polling platform for individuals that lets you discover who thinks what.

The main purpose of Pollers is to create a public interest platform, allowing citizens to share their opinions and make them match around opinions and intellectual debates. Pollers integrates blockchain AI and social engineering into a transparent public opinion platform where every internet user becomes a pollster.

How does Pollers work ?

In the polling world, respondents are never in touch and cannot communicate with each other.

To give more depth to the user experience, Pollers goes beyond the simple platform of anonymoususers and instead creates a social network of opinions: users have a profile, post their opinions and can interact. The users, called pollers, can give their opinions or they can question the community. Participation is at its highest. The user must participate in a survey to view the results and browse the profiles of the members who responded. For virality, we provide the tools to create a better relation with your audience. You can print a QR code on political leaflet or thanks to a javascript code, any given media can integrate a poll on its website. The goal is to engage your audience and connect with it. This can be done in 3 clicks and does not require leaving the website on which the survey is integrated. Your visitors are now part of your community and you gain influence.

Each poller gets a custom ranking of the members they most agree or most disagree with. The more users give their opinions, the more accurate their matching becomes. Users are encouraged to give their opinions regularly in order to refine their matching and discover new members.

Very soon, advertisers will be able to question the French population directly on Pollers.

A powerful targeting algorithm combining a network of users and Artificial Intelligence generates panels based on users’ responses within Pollers network.

Pollers then gives its members the opportunity to share equally the revenue coming from sponsored surveys. Pollers has a ‘Data for Money’ philosophy.

Because a member has expressed his opinion, he may qualify for the targeting of the advertiser. So paid opinion surveys are submitted to the most active Pollers. Users are encouraged to give their opinions on the platform and thus get rewarded.

The more active a Poller is, the more accurate the matching gets and the more he qualifies for paid surveys.

And at last but not least, Pollers has a special ingredient which is the blockchain. Voting datas are hosted on a blockchain which assures Pollers members that the polls have not been tampered and gives the ability to check the accuracy of that promess.

How blockchain technologies will disrupt the polling world ?

Polling organisations are criticised for their opacity, and the trustworthiness of their survey results are being questioned. Public opinion polls are suspected of manipulating public debate.

Blockchain provides to the polling industry data integrity and accessibility. The poller can not modify the votes neither a hacker.

Because data registry is public, anyone can check that the data is not corrupt.

The blockchain will also change everything for the polling company clients.

Advertisers have the option of posting a link, a QR code, to the corresponding block of their survey on the blockchain. The aim is to communicate around a survey that the public can trust, since they are able to audit it themselves.

Eg: a brand of weight-loss products that collects 90% of positive answers to the question « Did you lose weight in your first week of use? » will be able to use this information in its next ad campaign, whilst giving the details of its survey thanks to the QR code created on Pollers.

It’s a token of trust from the brand to its target: the data is public and cannot be altered.

More over, Blockchain will save the polling world from being disrupted by digitisation and big data.

We are witnessing massive changes in society since the emergence of Internet, accelerated by the rise of social media that has allowed us to widen our close networks.

Digitisation has reshaped the polling market. The digital turn has completely transformed the sector and the general quality of service:

Traditional players are data collectors but new players are data aggregators. The market is highly concentrated due to buyouts: the more companies grow, the more profitable they get since their databases improve.

Yet there is still a lack of transparency with polls. Opaque methods of analysis that are less and less trusted.

The polling field has an opportunity to complete its digital transformation by integrating the blockchain in order to renew the trust with the public needed to enable direct communication with the respondents that digitisation has enabled.



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